Our Team

The late Augustine Wasonga
Founder, Ace Africa

B.Ed. MBA. MA. Co-founder and the first Ace Africa Kenya Country Director  from April 2009 and before, the Programmes Director from September 2003. Prior to this, Augustine worked as a high school teacher for 5 years (1993-1997) and from 1998 until he co founded Ace Africa, he worked in project management in the Non Governmental sector in Kenya. His special areas of expertise include management of community development and health programmes, organizational development and staff training, governance, developing partnerships and research and evaluation.

“The aim of my work is to bring positive transformation to people in need, so that they in turn can act as change agents, helping and transforming the needy they come into contact with. ACE is an organization that is a developer of communities and I am delighted to be part of this great team.”

Anthony Okoti
Founder, Ace Africa Kenya Country Director

B.A Sociology from Washington International University. Prior to being appointed by the Board as CD, he was the Head of Training, Innovation and Partnerships. Anthony co founded Ace Africa together with Joanna Waddington and Augustine Wasonga in 2003, and started work in the organization as the Agricultural officer. He has, since 2004, been responsible for managing the projects in Bungoma and Siaya in Kenya, and in 2010, the projects in Arusha and Moshi in Tanzania. In 2015 he relocated back to Kenya. Anthony has 21 years work experience in community development projects in agriculture, nutrition, economic empowerment, health including HIV and AIDS and rights protection. His current role involves leading new developments and innovations across the three Ace Africa programme focus areas, project start-up and management, community and partner engagement, staff mentoring, training and skills development, strategic partnership development, reporting and donor liaison.  He contributes to strategic organisational focus and development and the scaling up and expansion of the Ace Africa programme in Kenya and Tanzania.

“When we started in 2003, nobody ever thought that we would create the difference that we are now making in the lives of children and their communities we work with. It is the sheer will, determination and support we received from those who believed in us that has made us succeed in our quest.”

Lynn Okello

Head of Finance Kenya

BCOM (Kenyatta University), CPA II, and has since 2014 been the Head of Finance. She has 14 years’ experience in finance management with various NGOs for various community development project. She has experience in managing institutional grants i.e. USAID and Comic Relief, trusts and foundations in Kenya and manages a team of 5 finance staff managing operational budgets as per donor guidelines and approved funding. Lynn has been instrumental in organizational development including 3-year strategic plan and budget development, strengthening finance and personnel systems, human resource development and management of 77 staff as well as donor relations.

”Working on restricted funding ensures that target beneficiaries are reached with required services and it is always a joy to see that Ace Africa is the change agent in the lives of the community members and the children within the community. By ensuring improvement and access to basic needs, we work as the link between the community and the various sectors of the government and ensure services are accessed by all community members in the areas that we implement our programmes.”

Cyrilla Were Amanya
Quality Assurance Leader, Head of Research

B.A. LL.B. MSc in Development Studies. Head of Research Ace Africa Kenya from April 2014, Research Coordinator and Supervisor since 2012, Head of Research, Monitoring & Evaluation Lead Interviewer from July,2007. Prior joining Ace Africa K, Cyrilla worked with SGS Kenya for 3 years as assistant manager in Global Solutions and with YEN as Coordinator for 2 year in developing communities in Kiberia, Kenya.

“The aim of my work is to bring positive transformation to people in need, so that they in turn can act as change agents, helping and transforming the needy they come into contact with. ACE is an organization that is a developer of communities and I am delighted to be part of this great team.”

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Action in the Community Environment in Africa Kenya is a registered International NGO in Kenya No: OP218/051/2003/0477/3060.
Registered address: PO Box 1185, Bungoma 50200, Western Kenya; Tel: +254 (0) 771, 370 266’ Email: resources@ace-africa.org.
Designed by Zak